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Green Cleaning ProductsGet connected to the companies that share the vision of the Seriously Green Network.  There is no obligation to buy.  Help us promote the common agenda of a Green and Healthy home and workplace.  The Seriously Green Network offer products, training, and tools that we find are superior to chemical products and most often improve the job performance and saves money when used properly. 

Green Glass Cleaning (Concentrate)Synergy Americas offers a product that we view as "Seriously Green".  This product speaks for itself on many levels.  This window cleaning qualfies as a "Seriously Green" product for the following reasons: (Click Image for Link)

1- Not an ammonia-based product like most other competitors
2- One ounce per gallon makes 128 gallons of RTU product
3- One gallon removes 127 plastic gallon bottles from the land fills
4- Reduces the carbon footprint (and buyer cost) of shipping 90% water-base cleaners
5- Saves room and labor in stocking dozens of plastic bottles
6- Green products reduce the eutrofication/pollution of our waterways
7- BEST OF ALL:  One RTU gallon has about a $2 net cost (Think of the savings!)

Soil Break General Cleaning SolutionFor general cleaning purposes, we see Soil Break as an innovative product that covers a multitude of applications.  This product literally replaces six different cleaning products which makes your service more efficient using a product with serious cleaning power.  (Click Image for Link)

1- This product ingredient mix is considered Environmental Safe
2- One ounce per gallon makes 128 gallons of RTU product
3- One gallon removes 127 plastic gallon bottles from the land fills
4- Reduces the carbon footprint (and buyer cost) of shipping 90% water-base cleaners
5- Saves room and labor in stocking dozens of plastic bottles
6- Green products reduce the utrification/pollution of our waterways
7- BEST OF ALL:  One RTU gallon has about a $2 net cost (Think of the savings!)

BioClean ConcentrateFor hard surfaces, bathrooms, and floors, Synergy offers the BioClean All Purpose cleaner.  The unique mixture of ingredients provides the extra power needed to effectively clean hard surface without the fumes of other hjgh-powered cleaners.  (Click Image for Link)

1- This product ingredient mix is considered Environmental Safe
2- One ounce per gallon makes 128 gallons of RTU product
3- One gallon removes 127 plastic gallon bottles from the land fills
4- Reduces the carbon footprint (and buyer cost) of shipping 90% water-base cleaners
5- Saves room and labor in stocking dozens of plastic bottles
6- Green products reduce the eutrofication/pollution of our waterways
7- BEST OF ALL:  One RTU gallon has about a $2 net cost (Think of the savings!)

Green Cleaning Variety PakIf this i your first time, we recommend getting the Synergy Variety Pak with all three products shown above.  We know that the proof is shown in the application.  Try using these products for a month since the RTU volume is a lot of product.  Then make these your GOTO products.  (Click Image for Link)

1- These products ingredient mix is considered Environmental Safe
2- One ounce per gallon makes 128 gallons of RTU product
3- One gallon removes 127 plastic gallon bottles from the land fills
4- Reduces the carbon footprint (and buyer cost) of shipping 90% water-base cleaners
5- Saves room and labor in stocking dozens of plastic bottles
6- Green products reduce the eutrofication/pollution of our waterways
7- BEST OF ALL:  One RTU gallon has about a $2 net cost (Think of the savings!)

More Green Cleaning Products

Entry Floor Mats that improves the Quality of Building Health and Maintenence
Amazingly powerful Hard and Soft Floor Care Products
Environmentally-Safe Pest Control that may become a Premium Service

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