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Stay Green with your Cleaning Service

Stay Green with Green Clean InstituteIt is easy for a "Green Cleaning Service" to step up to the moment by introducing a few good and Green ideas or products, but if the commitment is a short-term effort that fades after a few months, why bother?  After twenty years of promoting Serious Green Cleaning, the Green Clean Institute has not lost its vision of a Green & Health workplace.  Sadly, many one-time Green cleaning programs that made a token effort are not Green cleaning services in 2024.

"Going Green" is not a one-time effort that was introduced to impress customers or dress up the cleaning service website.  It should be obvious that a Green and healthy workplace is PROGRESSIVE.  What was Green in 2015 is not as good or effective as 2024.  For one thing, Green products in 2015 were more expensive and less effective than today.  

Things in the Green cleaning world have evolved, improved, and become less toxic.  This is why the Seriously Green Network is excited to partner with Synergy Americas because it markets CONCENTRATES that include better ingredients.  The Seriously Green Network is promoting a three part program to maintain and grow your cleaning service as a Seriously Green Cleaning service.

FIRST:  Train and Certify your cleaning team with the GCI Green Cleaning Technician course.  This online process is simple to implement for new and existing workers.  New hires can be trained by the "Follow Me" process, but the online Green cleaning course adds a sense of mission and value for your team.

SECOND: Stop looking at product labels and look for Seriously Green products.  If you simply change over your core cleaning products to concentrates with proper ingredients, you're on the first lap of the race.  Progressively add other Green elements, like microfiber tools or floor care products, to the system.  Update news from the Seriously Green Network will help with the best ideas.

THIRD:  It is not about what you say is Green, but what is actually applied to the building.  The Green and Healthy Building Partnership checklist will allow your service to easily validate the progress of the Green cleaning service which and qualify one of your account buildings to earn and display the GHBP certification.  A premium value that your GCI Green Firm can offer that other services. cannot.

The Green Clean Institute has a twenty year history of driving the Green cleaning agenda.  The Green Clean Institute offers its federal trademark logo to its qualified members that carry out the mission and vision of a Green & Healthy workplace.  The Seriously Green Network is its proactive coalition of like-minded companies that add value to the mission of Green & Healthy homes and workplaces across the nation.

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