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Is it Green or Blue Building Certification

Green Building Certification

The Green Clean Institute beleives that there is a need to better understand the attribute that are accidentally mushed together.  Words like "Green", "Sustainable", "Environmental", "Healthy", "Eco-Safe", "Pollution", or "Organic" are considered important, but there is a need for a better understanding rather than playing a Whack-Mole evironmental mania.

Liston, if any person or building manager wanted to "Go Green", it's a mysterious path that depending on the SECTOR of your adisor.  So, installing CFL lights sounds like a Green idea, but its not.  Green is not "Energy Saving" or the choice of building products.  As you will quickly discover, the best way to make improvements is to choose one SECTOR before jumping into "All of the Above" options.


240GREEN is synomous with "Health" where personal health concerns, building Toxicity, health air quality, and extends to the community health for people, plants, and life in general.  If there were one defining word of phrase, it would be "Health" of Health Impact".  That is why the Green & Healthy Building certification is focused on elements that impact the health of people, buildings and community.

BLUE is synomous with the qualitis of "Sustainability".  These qualities may or may not affect the health of people, buildings, or communities, but they are important.  Sustainable ideas deal with the depletion of resources, waste or trash reduction, recycling, energy production and management, and a basic concern that we may eventually reach the end of our resources or be smothered in the trash we produce every day.

RED should be the color for  "Pollution".  When we poison the air, water, or soil; we are killing ourselves slowly in the name of progress or convenience. Pollution is a 180 degree departure from any Green or Blue virtues.  Dealing with pollution is very important and pollution may affect the health impact on people, but this is not the best understanding of a Green program.

Yellow is for Conservation that is basically "Nature" at its best.  We need ample trees and forests to refresh the air, clean water for drinking, vibrant oceans with teaming life, proper harvesting of plants, animals, and resources to keep our planet in balance.

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