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GCI Promotes Green Cleaning Workers as Basic

Cleaning for Health First

It is obvious that the ONE BASIC ASSET that every cleaning service has already in place.  That critical asset is the workers who are the FRONTLINE of any Green Cleaning Service.  The workers are the point at which Green cleaning is applied or neglected.  That is why the Green Clean Institute has promoted the training and certification of the frontline workers as the primary requirement for a serously Green cleaning service.  

95% of all socalled "Green Clean Services" pay minor attention to the frontline workers and make their boast on the inclusion of a few Green cleaning products.  This is a huge mistale.  For example, a cleaner applied in a mist instead of a stream adds chemicals to the air.  Also, many products require a "Dwell Time" to properly clean or sanitize the area.  Due to pressure to quickly perform the service, nearly none of the cleaning service even consider letting a product stay wet on surface (Dwell Time), but revert to "Spray and Wipe" as the singular method of cleaning.  A sanitizer that does not observe the Dwell Time is nearly worthless for killing pathogens.

To be clear, buying a Green cleaning product is NOT the proof of a Green cleaning service.  When the workers are trained and certified by the Green Clean Institute, buy Green cleaning products, and follow the GHBP checklist that assures the "Best Practices" for Green cleaning ... the service is a "Seriously Green Cleaning" service.

The Seriously Green Network brings the best of the BIG THREE ELEMENTS for a Green Cleaning service: Training & Certification, Purchase of truly Green Products, and following the GHBP checklist that can lead to Green & Healthy Building Partnership of the buildings services by the cleaning service.

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