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Bidding for the Cleaning Contract

Cleaning Service Contract BiddingWe all know that the bid process for the cleaning contract is the common practice, but terribly flawed.  The bidding process is designed to force all cleaning services to cut their fees down to bare minimum.  We also know the cut-throat factor that will take the contract and eventually cut corners in order to make a profit.  The lowest bid is not the best way to get the best service.

To change the "Low Bid Mentality", some cleaning services will offer other benefits like meals, golf outings, and vacations to those who control the decision process.  This too seems unfair but necessary.  

The Green Clean Institute suggests another, very legitimate, option.  Include your GCI Green Firm certification and the GHBP building certification provided by your Green certified service.  You see, there is a difference between a cleaning service that boasts about its Green qualities and one who can actually deliver proof of its Green accomplishments.

To earn the Green and Healthy Building Partnership (GHBP) certification the building must have:

  • A GCI Green certified firm meaning that the workers are also Green trained and certified.
  • Employ a variety of Green cleaning products and tools in the service.
  • Earn the GHBP status using the GHBP checklist to "Prove Up" the GHBP implementation.

These three elements are not difficult for a truly Green cleaning service, so the ability to move a building to GHBP status can be INCLUDED IN YOUR BID PACKAGE.  As a loyalty factor, the GHBP checklist is applied each year to maintain the GHBP certification.  If the account was to move to another service, the building would lose its GHBP certification.

The cost of the GHBP certification is just $250 applied only when the building achieves the GHBP status plus the cost of the choice of very handsome wall plaques.  The smart cleaning service will use this achievement to hold a small award ceremony and invite the press and city officials to attend the event.  This powerfully spreads the word about your company and allows your company to seek the help of the city influencers.

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