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How a Green Cleaning Service makes a Difference

Green Clean InstituteWhen we add up the gross impact of a cleaning service in a city, the impact of a cleaning service is both immediate, local, and national.  The immediate impact is that the cleaning service introduces a variety of chemicals, vapors, and pollutants to the home or workplace.  Spend 30 minutes on the cleaning aisle of the grocery store reading the hundreds of ingredients that are found in cleaning products.  If you are not shocked and worried at what you see, you're health-blinded by advertising hype.

Green cleaning is primarily about HEALTH first, and APPEARANCE second.  If a cleaning service dumps gallons of cleaning products, powders, and products into the building ... that is pollution that stays in the building and imapcts the short and long-term health of everyone who spends half their life in such buildings.  The vital impact on the indoor air quality (IAQ) is immense but often not seen for years after the exposure has happened.

Every city has dozens or hundreds of cleaning service (in-house or outsourced).  If all of these company buy and use gallons upon gallons of cleaning products, sprays, and sanitizers; the impact goes way beyond the people working the the chemically-polluted buildings.  The waste water is poured down drains or dumped outside.  This gets into our waterways, water treatment plants, and down to the aquifers in the area.  

Secondly, the plastic bottles range in the thousands.  This is filling our landfills with trash that will never turn back to good soil.  Then there are the millions of plastic trash bags as well.  

Next, think of the carbon footprint of shipping all those plastic bottles around the country and the plastic demand required to produce all those plastic bottles.

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